How can a psychic medium help me?  

Many people want to have a sneak peek of their future, often wondering when the good news or good fortune will arrive. But what if it’s bad news? What if the future that awaits us isn’t going the way we wanted? What should we do in times like this? Should we blame the medium for the misfortune? Let’s dive into the world of psychics and understand more on how to use the Energy around us for the betterment of our lives and how to work with a psychic medium.. 

Corbie Mitleid is a certified tarot master, psychic medium teacher, and ordained minister. Her abilities include Tarot, Oracle card readings, Spiritual intuitive counseling, Past life retrieval and analysis, Mediumship and Spirit guide conferences. She has been reading for more than 50 years and is a full-time intuitive counselor with clients worldwide. She wrote books such as, The Psychic Yellow Brick Road, and You’ve got the Magic Who Needs a Gen. 

In this episode, we’ll understand more about:

  • -Difference between a psychic medium and a psychic Channel.
  • -The importance of understanding psychic reading and how to maximize our freewill.
  • -How She dealt with negativity and turned her life around.
  • -Her good and bad experiences with some clients.
  • -Empowering your life and being properly guided by the Universe.

About Corbie:

A Certified Tarot Master, psychic medium, teacher, and ordained minister, Corbie Mitleid
has been reading for 50 years, and is a full-time intuitive counselor with clients worldwide.
Robert Schwartz features her work as a channel and past life expert in his breakthrough
series on Karma and pre-birth planning, Your Soul’s Plan, Your Soul’s Gift and Your Soul’s
Her books The Psychic Yellow Brick Road and You’ve Got The Magic, Who Needs A Genie?
deal with how to use psychic counseling wisely and be a successful part of the holistic expo
community from the professional side of the aisle.
Corbie’s abilities include Tarot and oracle card readings, spiritual/intuitive counseling, past
life retrieval and analysis, mediumship, and spirit guide conferences (including speaking
with one’s Soul or Higher Self).
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