What is happy anyway? Do I know how to be happy? Society places so much emphasis on happiness, yet it often seems so elusive.
I talk about happiness in this episode because it is so arbitrary and subjective: my happiness is not your happiness and is not theirs over there. Happiness is a goal for many people, and it really is so attainable, so I want to describe what I believe happiness is and is not and how to achieve it or be it at last.
Everyone has the right to be happy, not just pursue it, so let’s talk how to be happy
In fact, society is so wound up about being happy that we even want to make sure our pets are happy!
Do you know the number one question I get asked as an animal communicator is: “Is my animal happy?” We might not even be happy ourselves, but we want to make sure our pets are happy!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- ~The two paths to happiness
- ~How to be happy! (hint: it’s not in that new tech or kitchen gadget you want so bad).
- ~This episode’s personal, life-changing, spiritual connection exercise
You may be interested in Episode one that explains why I think it’d be super if everyone were happy! Check it out here The Connectedness Podcast – It’s all about connection for an easy, happy, and meaningful life
I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!