If you scroll through social media every now and then, likely you will eventually come across an ad or article about “How to Manifest _______ “(fill in blank with your deepest desire). To do it, you will be instructed that you must purchase the product to learn how to use crystals or oils or receive a special blessing or anointment or so on – in order to manifest your dream. 

I cannot tell you just how crazy these things make me! Not that there is anyone wrong with any of these enhancers, but because they are not, as implied, required.  

I get it though, when searching for an answer to a huge problem or praying for a big outcome, we want all the help we can get, and we sometimes get sucked in to thinking we need more. I have so been there, so I totally get it, but now I know better. 

The truth is – we have all we need right here and now. Whatever it is we think we need – a person, a car, health, money, happiness, purpose – it all starts inside. 

You want to know how to manifest? It starts with your spiritual connection. 


It really is that simple. YOU are all you need. 

In this episode you will learn: 

  • The true value of crystals, oils, herbs etc in a daily routine 
  • When another person can help us  
  • What to do and how to assess all these products to help you in love, money, career, health… 
  • Placebos
  • Spell casting
  • Where to turn for the answers 

 I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!