In this second part of the Holistic Approach on How to Follow a Dream series I talk about the mind and our beliefs. Shifting these beliefs, or mindset, is just one of four essential steps to living a happier, more meaningful life. As explained in earlier episodes,

mindset is critical – but it’s not the only component to satisfying success. 

Our brain is a funny thing, it wants to keep us safe and it wants to conserve energy, so anything that is not familiar or usual it resists. Growing and doing or learning new things requires new pathways to be formed in the brain, but that takes energy, so our brain says No! That would require more energy! 

This leads us to stay comfortable in the stories we have learned over a lifetime that unconsciously run our life.

These stories, also called limiting or false beliefs, cover every aspect of our life –

money, career, health, relationships etc.

In every area of our life if we want something different, we need to actively tell our brain what the new familiar or usual is, making it the new normal that it defaults to. 

In this episode you’ll learn:

  • How we come to have these stories that we live by 
  • How to identify your personal stories 
  • How to shift or change your stories 
  • Why mindset alone isn’t enough  


 You may be interested in Episode Twelve “What Does Connectedness have to do with Mindset, Spiritual Practices, and Law of Attraction?” Check it out here

I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group And in the meantime, enjoy the show!