What does the body know? In this third part of the Holistic Approach on How to Follow a Dream series I talk about the body and all the ways it can helps live our best, happiest life!

The Body knows- it can tell us enlightening information if we just pay attention

Why does your stomach hurt?  How about your headache? Lump in your throat?  These are just some of the signs that our body gives us when we need to know something.  But we usually think there is nothing behind it besides bad food or lack of sleep or any other myriad of physical reasons.   If we take the time to listen to and learn what our body is trying to tell us, it can save us time and heartache whether we’re trying to achieve something or just living our life.

And it’s not just our emotions . . .

Our body has several ways it helps us and the sooner we learn to master it the happier we’ll be

In this episode you’ll learn the 3 primary ways we can use our body in pursuing our goals; it’s connection with:

  • energetic vibration
  • emotions
  • taking action

 You may be interested in the many other body Episodes

The Connection between Body, Mind, and Healing with Sarah Lascano-Episode 18

Connection in Real Life Series: The Body Connection with Lola Bryan S1 Ep7 Series 1 of 3 – Spiritual Healing


I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!