When spirituality meets mainstream media – you hear all kinds of weird, and bad, spiritual advice because everyone wants in on the action. 

There is so much to choose from, you can’t help but hear a blend of the good, the bad, and the ugly. Surely you have heard or read things to encourage you to “think positive” to get over your grief or sadness, or that you “brought on your illness yourself”, or to “fake it till you make it.” Like any good quote these have been taken out of context and twisted around so many times it is often hard to pull the helpful threads from the shaming ones. 

So many of these kitschy sayings do nothing but promote shame and embarrassment to the person seeking guidance, because really, how did you bring on an illness you’ve never even heard of before? And being told to “get over it” or “think positive” just makes you feel worse because you can’t and don’t know why. 

Please don’t take on this bad spiritual advice, if you could control all of life that easily, I’m sure you’d be out having the time of your life.

No, you are not to blame. 

In this episode I will talk about the many, many factors that go into our life experience. And while yes, we can be in charge of how we react to a situation and how we choose to proceed, how could we possibly be responsible for someone else’s actions? We’re not. You do not have to take responsibility for all the terrible things that have happened in your life, no one would ever come to a life of meaning and happiness if we had to take that on. 

In this episode you will learn:

  • -How morphic fields and social consciousness play into our health and wellness 
  • -The value of seeing the weeds in your garden or in other words, why we must recognize those emotions some people call bad like grief, sadness, disappointment. 
  • -This week’s personal, life-changing, spiritual connection exercise 

 I really hope to connect with you personally so please send me a message here or join me in my Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/connectednesswithrevkaren. And in the meantime, enjoy the show!